EHSCP Events

9-17-11 Livable Hawaii Kai Hui starts strategic plannng - Vision Foresight Strategy LLC (VFS) will assist Livable Hawaii Kai Hui (LHKH) with developing an assessment of the organization's capacity in the context of emerging and expanding responsibilities and will assist with developing an initial plan for increasing the organization's capacity to meet these new responsibilities.  To this end VFS will conduct original research, interviews of select members of the organization and its external stakeholders, design and facilitate a one and a half day workshop, and produce a final report for the organization. 

9-17-11 LHKH starts strategic planning

2008 - Environmental, cultural and community advocate Donna Wong will be the guest speaker at the Livable Hawaii Kai Hui annual meeting this Saturday at Kuapa Isle Club House at 1 PM.

Wong was most recently awarded by Governor Linda Lingle and the Hawaii State Commission on the Status of Women the 2009 Women's History Month award. Indru Watumull and Dr. Donnis Thompson are the previous winners of the award.

Wong will be speaking on community and planning. The public is encouraged to attend this free gathering.

Additional open conversation will include past and future efforts to protect and preserve Ka Iwi, Kamilo Nui Valley and the East Honolulu Sustainable Communities Plan. Additional community subjects are welcomed.

The meeting is schedule from 1 2:30 PM. Refreshments will be served. For more information call 864-8081 or go to: 

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