Resolution to Support Restoration of Koko Crater Botanical Gardens Trail Access to the
Whereas, the Koko Crater Equestrian Center has contributed to the Hawaii Kai community for almost 20 years by providing affordable equestrian education and recreation for riders of all ages; and,
Whereas, the Koko Crater Equestrian Center has a contract with the City and County of Honolulu to use a trail through the Koko Crater Botanical Gardens; and,
Whereas, the City & County of Honolulu has recently restricted the Koko Crater Equestrian Center from using said trail through the Koko Crater Botanical Gardens without explaining the legal basis for changing or revoking said contract; now, therefore,
Be It Resolved, that the Hawaii Kai Neighborhood Board urges the City & County of Honolulu to allow the Koko Crater Equestrian Center to access the trail through the Koko Crater Botanical Gardens as agreed upon in the contract between the two parties; and,
Be It Further Resolved, if the City & County of Honolulu does not restore access to said trail to the Koko Crater Equestrian Center, that the Hawaii Kai Neighborhood Board requests that a representative of the city make a presentation explaining the reasons for revoking access and the legal justification for doing so, either at the next Hawaii Kai Neighborhood Board meeting (November 24, 2009) or at another announced public meeting in the Hawaii Kai community before then.
Be It Further Resolved, that copies of this resolution be sent to the City & County of Honolulu’s Mayor, Managing Director, Director of the Department of Parks and Recreation, Director of the Department of Enterprise Services, and the Neighborhood Commission Office Executive Secretary.